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Spotify not downloading local songs android

Spotify not downloading local songs android
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Solved: local files won't sync/download - The Spotify Community

I wanted to be able to play my local files on my phone. So I made a playlist on Spotify on my desktop.. Put all the songs on it.. I even chose "Available Offline" on my desktop. Then I went on my android device (Note 2), select "Available Offline", and now it's stuck on "Waiting on Download".. I was. Still wasn't working for local files even though downloads for "normal" Spotify songs were working. Realize avast also has its own firewall and it was blocking Spotify. Set my network type to private on avast internet security and now mine are working as well. Thanks for . The problem lies in the Spotify app. It has the option to click sync local files. And it actually does it, but this is useless as there is no way to search or play these files unless they are in a playlist on the latest Android App. And because it isn't in a playlist you cannot play it. So yeh Make playlist.

spotify not downloading local songs android

Spotify not downloading local songs android

I decided to move to Spotify Premium because it would be easier to keep up with new music. Using Spotify on my PC I imported this huge album I'd created and saved it as a playlist, and started adding new music to this. All fine and I could play it off my computer. However, spotify not downloading local songs android, when trying to use this playlist on my phone I can only play those tracks that I added to it from Spotify, not those which I imported as local files from my computer, although I have those identical files local on my phone as well.

I guess it's pretty reasonable that Spotify wouldn't recognise those files files as being the same as the Spotify not downloading local songs android ones. Is there any way round this? So spotify not downloading local songs android the only alternative I've found is to use Google Play Premium Go to Solution. Hi - I often get this problem whenever I download music to put onto my phone.

What I find works is, have both the PC and phone on the same wi-fi, and have both open. Then disable the firewall on the PC. Once you do that, it should automatically sync your local files from the PC to your phone. View solution in original post. I had them on two different SSIDs. Followed this to the letter and unfortunately it doesn't work. Starts promising with saying it's downloading, but it only downloads those tracks that I added to the playlist from Spotify, not the ones I had local to my computer.

Those are still greyed out, and will not play on my phone. All I can think of is to make sure both the Spotify Android app and desktop app are both open at the same time and to make sure both are using the same wifi network. Also make sure you have enough storage space on your phone. I have a router with a dynamic IP address and would need to pay for a static IP address to manually configure my router.

By using our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. Learn more here. Playing local files on an Android phone Solved! Go to solution. All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic. Playing local files on an Android phone. Everyone's tags 4 : android.

Labels: Music. Accepted Solutions. Re: Playing local files on an Android phone. Casual Listener. Sadly, this solution didn't work for me. Community Legend. Using the desktop app, add Local Files you want to sync to a playlist. Log into Spotify on your Android using the same WiFi network as your desktop.

A green arrow will appear next to the tracks when syncing is complete. That's great, thank you. I will try that and let you know how I get on, and give kudos after I've tried it. Let me know how it goes. Any suggestions where I may have gone wrong? Hi there; and spotify not downloading local songs android MattSuda for tagging me, spotify not downloading local songs android.

If you've tried everything in the guide and all having issues then this issue is normally caused because of one of the the following reasons: 1. Faulty SD card. But Spotify files are downloading fine so we can rule this one out 2.

A firewall on the PC is blocking the connection. Can you check? UPnP is disabled on your router. Again, can you check? Your network on the PC is set as a 'Public' connection. Can you make sure this is set to 'Home' Further troubleshooting can be found in the guide linked in my signature. What's a Spotify Rock Starspotify not downloading local songs android, and how do I become one? Well, I'm stumped. I use Windows Firewall and gave Spotify full permissions, spotify not downloading local songs android.

My network was public. I've managed to make it private, but not home. Still no joy. Any other suggestions? What format are the files in? Most are mp3. A few are wma. Charged twice per month.

Last update: How to change Premium subscription. I have full internet connection, but it says I'm o Log In. Solved Replies Last update:

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How to Sync Local Files on Spotify to Your iPhone/Android Phone (2019)

, time: 2:01

Spotify not downloading local songs android

spotify not downloading local songs android

The problem lies in the Spotify app. It has the option to click sync local files. And it actually does it, but this is useless as there is no way to search or play these files unless they are in a playlist on the latest Android App. And because it isn't in a playlist you cannot play it. So yeh Make playlist. THIS WORKS I DID IT TODAY! what you have to do is add the song to your playlist on spotify and then download the playlist to your phone on the android app. it worked in five seconds. now that i posted this they will probably figure out a way to stop this from happening. gotta put up all those old juicy j songs before the update lolol! I wanted to be able to play my local files on my phone. So I made a playlist on Spotify on my desktop.. Put all the songs on it.. I even chose "Available Offline" on my desktop. Then I went on my android device (Note 2), select "Available Offline", and now it's stuck on "Waiting on Download".. I was.

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